18 Dec 2014

Sivanesan Tamil Selvam (2008/2009)

The Indian Cultural & Language Society of Universiti Industri Selangor (ICLS-UNiSEL) is the first ever society established for the Indians of UNiSEL in the UNiSEL’s history. It took eight years of hard work and effort to set this society in UNiSEL and now the society had celebrated its first anniversary on the 24th of October 2008.

ICLS-UNiSEL is being a channel to form potential graduates with academic excellence, good and healthy social skills. It is the vision and mission of the society. In order to achieve it, ICLS-UNiSEL had new ideas to come up with beneficial programs and activities to motivate the students and share the knowledge among all the students of UNiSEL. ICLS-UNiSEL had run many programs which all were successful. Students’ gets a chance to show their talent and capability through the society.

The aim of the society is to establish a network of exchanging knowledge and improve the intellectual skills among UNISEL Indian students; to move actively in identifying the problems faced by the students and provide all possible help and support to them and encourage them to adapt comfortably into social and academic development in the university; to provide a channel for the students to share their experiences and implement their knowledge; to instill cultural values in our Indian students and also expose these cultural values to other students of UNiSEL; and to create an awareness among the Indian students community existing in Malaysia about the programs, environment and educational opportunities at UNISEL.

I hope that each and every student either junior or senior will continue contributing to the development of ICLS-UNiSEL in order to give its best to the community of UNiSEL and be the best among other higher learning institutions. This will be the right time and place for us to show our capabilities to others and proving ourselves that we can come up with creative and innovative ideas and thoughts to contribute to the development of our society and country.

I would like to extend my heartiest appreciation to the management of UNISEL for supporting us in all ways when conducting programs and events and to all the students who have contributed towards this achievement in running programs.

Thank You,
Sivanesan Tamil Selvam
President of ICLS-UNiSEL (2008/2009)